- Wenyu Ren, Tuo Yu, Tim Yardley, Klara Nahrstedt, “CAPTAR: Causal-Polytree-based Anomaly Reasoning for SCADA Networks”, IEEE Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), October 2019.
- Wenyu Ren, Tim Yardley, Klara Nahrstedt, “EDMAND: Edge-Based Multi-Level Anomaly Detection for SCADA Networks”, IEEE Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), October 2018.
- Wenyu Ren, Tim Yardley, Klara Nahrstedt, “ISAAC: Intelligent Synchrophasor Data Real-Time Compression Framework for WAMS”, IEEE Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), October 2017.
- Wenyu Ren, Steve Granda, Tim Yardley, King-Shan Lui, Klara Nahrstedt, “OLAF: Operation-Level Traffic Analyzer Framework for Smart Grid”, IEEE Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), November 2016.
- Suleyman Uludag, King-Shan Lui, Wenyu Ren, Klara Nahrstedt, “Practical and Secure Machine-to-Machine Data Collection Protocol in Smart Grid”, IEEE M2MSec, October 2014.
- Suleyman Uludag, King-Shan Lui, Wenyu Ren, Klara Nahrstedt, “Secure and Scalable Data Collection with Time Minimization in the Smart Grid”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
- Wenyu Ren, Yong Li, Siyu Chen, Depeng Jin, Li Su, “Potential Predictability of Vehicles’ Visiting Duration in Different Areas For Large Scale Urban Environment”, IEEE WCNC, April 2013.
- Siyu Chen, Yong Li, Wenyu Ren, Depeng Jin, Pan Hui, “Location Prediction for Large Scale Urban Vehicular Mobility”, IEEE IWCMC, July 2013.
- Wenyu Ren, Tim Yardley, Klara Nahrstedt, “Online, Context-aware Anomaly Detection, Causality and Consequence Analysis for SCADA Systems", CREDC Industry Workshop, September 2018.
- Wenyu Ren, Klara Nahrstedt, Tim Yardley , “Operation-Level Traffic Analyzer Framework for Smart Grid”, ACM HotSoS, April 2016.
- Wenyu Ren, Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Li Su, Lieguang Zeng, “Optimal Vehicles and Coding Decision For Mobile Data Sharing in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks”, IEEE ICNP, October 2012.
- Wenyu Ren, Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Pan Hui, “Optimal Storage Allocation for Road Side Unit Aided Vehicular Mobile Content Dissemination”, ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop, December 2012.